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'Leaders ensure that policies are up to date and meet the latest guidance. All staff are provided with safeguarding training and this is updated annually. All of the appropriate pre-employment checks are carried out on staff and volunteers. Staff know their pupils well. Any concerns are reported and considered carefully and prompt action is taken. Pupils spoke confidently about the ways in which school leaders and staff work hard to keep them safe and look after them. Pupils say that they feel safe in school and staff agree. They know who to go to if they have a concern and feel supported by the ways in which issues are resolved' OFSTED 2019

Recent safeguarding audit November 2023. 

We have received some lovely feedback about our school recently from an advisor invited into Highwoods to conduct an audit of safeguarding attendance and behaviour.

The advisor had the remit to look at our safeguarding practices, the behaviour of pupils and the learning culture within the school. They spent a whole day in our school and looked at following:

  • Anonymised record keeping for safeguarding and behaviour
  • Policies and practice for establishing high attendance
  • Interviewing staff to explore how policy is put into practice
  • Visiting the classrooms and watching lessons
  • Meeting with pupils to talk about how we keep them safe at school
  • Observing break time and lunch time

We are absolutely delighted with the outcome of the visit. We have taken some extracts from the report to share with our school community:

‘School has highly regarded within the community and other schools will visit the school to see best practice’

‘Everything in school is about the pupils who are at the heart of everything’.

‘Learning habits and cultures are strong’.

‘Nurture provision is vast’.

‘Staff have strong relationships with parents, open discussions are held, and families feel supported’.

‘Staff work as a team across all levels.  Staff feel valued.’

‘Pupils resoundingly say it’s a very good school- everyone is kind and there are only a very few problems, for example some children shout out at lunchtimes in the playground.  Teachers are amazing- somehow, they all know pupils and if they have problems, they can go to any trusted adult, with a blue or green lanyard and they will help them’. 

‘All pupils are really happy, and all feel safe’.  

Pupils said ‘There is no bullying or bad behaviour and if there is, teachers soon stop it’

‘Safeguarding a strength in school’.

‘Equality of opportunity has a high priority and real efforts are made to ensure that no one experiences any barrier to their learning. The progress of each pupil towards their target is monitored regularly, and action is quickly taken if anyone falls behind’.

‘There is an exceptionally positive learning atmosphere and most pupils display excellent attitudes to learning, they behave well, show high levels of respect and courtesy towards each other and to their teachers and other staff’.

‘All Leaders, including Governors have a relentless focus on maintaining and building on established high standards’.

‘Pupils know the school well, are happy, feel safe and all say they are taught how to keep safe through PSHE’

‘Pupils are very astute when talking about keeping safe and know that all staff will do their best for them and ensure they are always safe’.

‘Staff feel appreciated and valued.   They are highly skilled when it comes to safeguarding and feel that the leaders will support them in anything’.

Safeguarding Lead:

Mr Disley (Headteacher)

Deputy Safeguarding Lead:

Ms McLewin (Senior Leader)

Safeguarding Governor:

Hannah Cooper 

You will be able to find our policies on safeguarding in our 'policy' section, including Child Protection, Child on Child Abuse, Attendance, Behaviour and Safeguarding.  

Attached is the link should you wish to report a concern as a member of the public. If you wish to discuss any matters related to safeguarding and a child who attends our school, then the Safeguarding Lead and Deputy Lead can be contacted through the or the address.