Transition visits for new starters
Please find below key dates for visits to the school this summer term and starting dates in September.
Summer term
Tuesday 11th June
Parent meeting at school 5-6pm. Class lists will be available.
Monday 17th June
Playground play sessions with parents 9.15-10.15am Miss Bradley's class, 10.30-11.30am Miss Roberts' class.
Wednesday 26th June
Miss Bradley's class - stay and play class visits (children only). 9.30am-10.45am or 1.15pm-2.30pm.
Parents will be notified of which session their child should attend.
Tuesday 2nd July
Miss Roberts' class - stay and play class visits (children only). 9.30am-10.45am or 1.15pm-2.30pm.
Parents will be notified of which session their child should attend.
Monday 8th July
Forest school stay and play with parents at Highwoods Country Park. Miss Bradley's class 12.45pm-1.45pm and Miss Roberts' class 2.00pm-3.00pm.
Parents will be informed of further details of location and what to bring for this session.
Thursday 5th and Friday 6th September
Parents and children meet their teacher for a 15 minute appointment between 9.00am and 2.45pm at school. This can be made at the Parent meeting on 11th June.
Monday 9th to Wednesday 11th September
Half day attendance for children without parents 9.15am - 11.15am or 12.45-2.45pm. Parents will be notified of which session their child will attend.
Children attend full time from Thursday 12th September 8.40am – 3.00pm