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Year 4

Hello, welcome to the year four page of our website!

The teachers in Year four are Mrs Corton, Mr Columb and Mrs Wilkins.  There are lots of other adults to help us to learn too including Mrs Cartwright, Mrs Hooker, Mrs Michael, Mrs Fisk, Mrs Bromley and Madame Reid. We hope you enjoy looking through our news and learning.

Please feel free to contact us with any comments or questions you have.

Our email address for year 4 is . This gets checked every day.

Homework each week will consist of:  Spelling Frame, TT Rockstars,,  reading with an adult.

Homework is set on a Friday each week and id due by the following Thursday.

PE is on Tuesdays (swimming/indoor PE) and Fridays (outdoor PE)  Please come to school ready in your PE kit which needs to be suitable for outside PE.

Each child gets a block of Forest School sessions on a Thursday, during the year. A letter will be sent out when it is their turn.

MTC Check

In Year 4 the children take an official Multiplication Tables Check in June.

It is an on-screen assessment designed to determine whether pupils can fluently recall their multiplication tables up to 12, through a set of timed questions.

The official check consists of 25 questions. Pupils will have 6 seconds to answer each question, with 3 seconds pause between questions. Pupils will answer 3 practice questions before the check begins.

Throughout the year we practice in class daily as well as setting homework on TT Rockstars. As the check is done online, it is recommended that children practice for three minutes everyday in order to be the most confident and secure with their times tables. Sound check on TT Rockstars is set up in the same way as the official check and therefore is a good way to practice.

Children will be given their official score in their end of year report.